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For Manasvi Mamgai, the journey towards the Miss World title began over 16 years ago. Like many girls her age, she too sat before her television set watching Aishwarya Rai with much anticipation. By the time Rai — then a relatively unknown face — was crowned, the seven-year-old Manasvi had made up





her mind — that was where she wanted to be. Today, the Mumbai-based model is just a step away from achieving that goal. She won the Miss India-World 2010 title recently and will represent the country at the Miss World pageant to be held in Vietnam later this year. When we speak over the phone, Manasvi comes across as an extremely focused young woman who has consciously worked towards her dreams. She took two years off from her education and recently shifted from Delhi to Mumbai so she could concentrate on her modelling assignments. Once the face of the fairness cream Fair and Lovely, Manavsi Mamgai is everything she played in the commercial (click here to watch) — a girl next door with stars in her eyes and a desire to be on top of the world. Even as the accolades keep pouring in, Manasvi is yet to come to terms with her newfound stardom: When did you realise you were finally famous? After I won the Miss India crown, I went backstage to meet my mom and some friends who had come over, when someone asked me for my autograph. My first reaction was that of disbelief. That was when I realised I was famous. Why did you compete for Miss India? I was six when I saw Aishwarya Rai being crowned Miss World (in 1994). Ever since, I wanted to be part of the competition. However, when I started modelling, I was under contract with (international modelling agency) Elite and then with Fair and Lovely. Participation in Miss India requires you to be free from all contracts. Finally, things fell into place this year and I gave it a shot
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